Day 18

Day Eighteen:  A Good Life & Quick Answers to Prayer
“Your righteousness will go before you [leading to peace and prosperity]…”. Isaiah 58:8
Another promise God explains can be ours has to do with us living a good life.
A good life, however, often results over a period of time.

As you look back on your life, you can likely see God’s hand in many events and circumstances that have turned out for your good.
After all, God promises that all things work together for good to them who love Him. (Romans 8:28)

If there are circumstances in your life that are challenging right now, choose to believe God will work those out for your good as He has promised.

“Then you will call, and the Lord will answer; you will cry for help, and He will say, ‘Here I am’.” Isaiah 58:9
When we align our heart with God’s in the treatment of others as verses 6 & 7 explain, God makes an amazing declaration in the verse above.
We will call and He will answer

Could it be that there is a correlation between how we treat others and how quickly our prayers are answered?

These verses seem to indicate so.

One thing that is obvious about God—He values people.

When we learn to value people, it seems to put us more aligned with His heart.
And when alignment takes places, blessings flow more quickly and easily into our lives.

In the upcoming days, take special care of your treatment of others.
It just may be the key to answered prayer you’ve been looking for.

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